Monday, June 20, 2011

Has it been a year already? But has it only been a year?

One year ago today, God showered his abundant grace on me and gave me away to an incredible man. I never did anything to deserve him, which is one of the biggest ways God has made his work on the cross so real to my heart and mind.

He gave me a man who is quintessentially masculine-his passions are fishing, farming, guns, theology,and good beer. His friends, family, and coworkers respect him and treat him like the tough guy he his, yet he still honors me in public, keeping our private life private and never hesitating to show his love for me. He leads our family spiritually, praying over us every day and making church and christian fellowship a priority. He protects me from bugs, from traffic, even from myself. He works so hard so that I can act in my calling of being homeward focused.

Our very full year starting with a wedding, continuing with a sudden cross-county move, and concluding with a month and a half old baby has been the most fulfilling,joyous time of my life.

Luke, you are more heroic than I ever imagined a knight in shining armor would be, and the best friend Iv'e ever had. Thank you for taking care of me and leading me like Christ does his bride.
Even after bills, laundry, diapers, and the rest of reality sets in-you still give me butterflies.
I adore you and our life together.