Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What A Creeper.

I'm so thankful that when we take our child to the park, which is full of lots of fun stuff to do, that she doesn't just stand in one place for over 10 minutes watching a group of shirtless teenage boys play volleyball.

Because that would be weird.

 ...and awkward.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Reason To Hope

It was four weeks ago today that I had a dream about my pregnant sister-in-law. 
I dreamt that she was in labor. We were outside her delivery room and my brother-in-law was at the door telling us, with a completely peaceful smile on, that we couldn't go in because Camille was having the baby.

I woke up that morning thinking about them. Camille was 35 weeks along, so it was just around the corner.

Like any normal day, I made Vienna breakfast and brewed some coffee, but I couldn't stop thinking about Camille. So I decided to text her.
Said something obnoxiously peppy about how excited I was that she could have a baby any day now and asked how she was feeling.

She responded with two things.
They were at the hospital. And had lost their baby.


Last weekend we attended the funeral of our niece, Gabrielle Ann.
Her father gave a eulogy, the most beautiful, loving letter that could ever be written to a daughter.
And then the pastor gave a short sermon entitled 'A Reason to Hope'.

I don't think it could have been a more encouraging message, considering the heavy situation.
Reminding us that when this beautiful little girl opened her pretty eyes for the very first time, she had the unfathomable joy of looking upon her Saviors face.
And most importantly, that we can have confidence in the truth that gives us reason to believe in that and have hope.
Because our God is a good God, full of love and mercy and saving grace.

I laid in bed awake a couple nights ago, aching for Neal and Camille and asking God to help me remember more of the dream I had, to make any more sense of it all.
I didn't dream that night, but I did fall asleep, shedding my hundredth tear, and feeling the peace and assurance that He is bigger than all of this.

Neal and Camille, my heart and prayers will always be with you.
Your love, faith and strength as parents and as believers is so honorable and inspiring.
None of us will ever forget her.