Thursday, October 20, 2011


1.) We bought a House. It's Teal. And wonderful.
We are now all moved in, although still have a couple areas to organize.
More Pictures soon to come.

2.) Vienna is now driving. Which is helpful.
Now I can stay home and pick my toes while she goes out cruisin' and running errands for me.

3.) Luke's brother Nathaniel came to visit last week and we had such a blast.

4.) Nathaniel brought his adorable girlfriend, Katelyn. Well, I guess they were headed to a wedding in her hometown so she technically brought him. But they swung by to see us.
We loved Katelyn, but unfortunately ended up with absolutely no pictures with her in them. None.

5.) Vienna isn't always very social with people, particularly ones that don't look like me or her father.
But funnily enough, Nathaniel does kind of look like her father.
Sooo..they got along great!

6.) I'm sure it helped that he was so wonderful with her. They read, and played, and snuggled.
It was happy times all around.

Aww. What a cute couple.

"I love you, Dad."


7.) Vienna used to despise tummy time and would totally wig out after a minute or two of making her slave away keeping her head up. Well now that's old news and she loves it. She started rolling over from her tummy to her back at about 2 1/2 months..but now..something else is happening. I'll put her in her crib(on her back), and come back a few minutes later and she's on her stomach! So she's now rolling over..the wrong way? I should crack open those dusty baby books and search for some pearls of wisdom about this.

8.) Yesterday when I was holding Vienna, she sneezed and puked a little bit at the same time.
On my shirt.
And then she laughed.

Which made me laugh.

9.) People without kids miss out on some quality comic relief.

10.) But they also probably do less laundry.

The Chronicles of Vienna's Hair: Volume V

Do you want to know a secret?

Vienna's hair is actually...


Makes sense.
Since every single person that she's related to has curly hair.

..Except for me. Her mother.

Mine is straight-ish, with unruly waves.
Thank God for hot rollers.
And wine.


I'm sure this news has shocked you all.