Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hi. It's me... I'm alive.

Its true.

I am alive. And even in perfectly good health, actually.

A very small part of me wishes I wasn't though, just so that every time someone asks me "Hey, why don't you blog anymore?", I could have something totally tragic and sympathy-generating to bust out at a moments notice, like..."Well actually... I was in a plane crash. And its been a long recovery.You understand.".

And they totally would.

And then I would also probably feel no guilt or stupidity about having dropped the ball on this because Hello? I survived a plane crash! Which kind of makes me AWESOME.

But no. I didn't. Nothing that glamorous.

I've just been doing life. That's it.

I had my second baby, sixteen months after I had my first baby, and I've just been getting the hang of it. Over and over again.

I say 'over and over again' because children develop habits and patterns in their lifestyle and personality and then UP AND CHANGE ENTIRELY ON THEIR OWN, approximately every 15 minutes.

So basically after you go through the process of freaking out because you have no idea what you're doing, then you start getting used to it and finally feel like you're not only getting a handle on it, but actually kind of getting good at this whole thing...BOOM. They change. Back to being clueless.

{This is when all the fellow parents in the room raise their glasses, shouting Amen!'s and Preach it, Guuuurl's.}

Honestly I think that in life, everyone has a bunch of preverbial balls up in the air that they all have to/want to/need to juggle.
 And sometimes more balls get thrown at you, and you have to drop one or two, in order to keep the important balls up in the air.

...Like the Sanity Ball, for instance.

And the My Children Can't Become Terrorists Ball.

I have a Blogging Ball, that I put down for a while.
I'd like to pick it up and keep it juggled, but it's less stressful for me not to commit to anything, and just take it one day at a time.

...And wow, that just sounded super crazy. Like... take-deep-breaths, Winona Ryder in Girl, Interrupted kind of crazy...Yikes.

Ok but stay with me, because I'm pretty much over those couple minutes of deep, introspective sincerity. Whew!

Now I think I'll pour myself a glass of wine and talk about some of the RIVETING things that we've been up to:

1.) Well, I'll go ahead and just start by informing you that while I sit in my living room writing this, I'm listening Vienna yell her favorite song from her crib, "What Does The Box Say?".

Box. ...No joke.

She kills me.

2.) And OHHH, is she ALL SORTS OF SASS lately.

She has completely taken off with talking, repeating EVERYTHING (*nervous laugh*) and rambling on about new things every day.

Example: waking up from her nap a few days ago

Me: "Heeeey, sweetie. Do you want to go upstairs and have a snack?"

Vienna: *rubs her faces and glares at me with half open eyes*
               "Mommy. WHAT.... are you talking about?!"

Ohhhhhh Kaaaay.

Little touchy, there.

I'm telling you...her Sass Cup OVERFLOWETH.

3.) Boaz is walking now, so he is as troublesome as ever.

Still though, in comparison to his very emotional, strong-willed, mysteriously complicated Sister, this kid's goals in life are pretty obvious and easy to understand:

                                 1. Eat much as humanly possible.
                                 2. Destroy much as he can find and get into.
                                 3. Marry Mom .....ASAP.


We're working the list, ok?

4.) We were just in California, visiting my family, where we were all together for the first time in 4 years.

Do you want to know how we were able to spend our precious time together?


Running high fevers. More puking. An Urgent Care visit. More Puking. Three toddlers with ear infections. More puking.

Yes. 4 YEARS. And one whole year of planning and excitement and looking forward to this one thing... And then? THE STOMACH FLU.


Here's the thing was just one of those insane, 'Are we being Punk'd right now?' situations that you can't just not laugh, you know? I was like flippin' National Lampoon's Thanksgiving Vacation, for crying out loud.

So stressful. So absurd. So hilarious.

And honestly, in spite of all of the sickness and chaos, we actually got to have some really fun times in between all that. And even just laying in the same room, dying of the same viral plague, as my little brother, who I get to see maybe once or twice a decade because he's off running around, fighting for our country...was so precious to me. And I cherished having us all together.

5.) But now that Pukesgiving '13 is behind us all, and we are safe and back home and NEVER FLYING WITH KIDS ANYWHERE EVER AGAIN, I am all sorts of occupied with christmas festivities.

...And when I say 'festivities', I actually just mean that I follow my kids around all day making sure that they don't knock down our tree or strangle themselves with lights or shatter any more snow globes on the tile right by their feet.

Yeah, you read that right. Any MORE.

*sigh* Tis the season.

On a higher note though, I would like to continue in my annual tradition of telling everyone and anyone who will listen how accomplished I feel about getting christmas cards done!
Truly, though ...every year that I get them ordered, stuffed, addressed, stamped, and mailed...I'm pretty much ready to throw myself a flippin' parade.
And sometimes even start thinking that I may deserve an olympic medal or two for this feat.

Because seriously...WHO HAS TIME FOR THESE THINGS?

But whatever undiagnosed mental disorder I have to make me want to do these things...I just do, and I'm super proud to have it done.

Plus it helps to know a Magical Unicorn Photographer Fairy who took such a stunning family portrait of us this past summer.

I mean...the chances of Vienna, Luke and I all smiling naturally and everyone looking at the camera?

I'm still in shock about the whole ordeal.

Bo looks a little stressed out because my poor minnesotan offspring aren't used to actually seeing the sun on a regular basis, but other than that...pretty dang near perfection, wouldn't you say?

Well, that's all for now folks. I might pick up the ball again to write about a couple things that have been going on in my life....

...MOST IMPORTANTLY last week's episode of Scandal and how far my jaw dropped to the floor when Madam Vice President went absolutely CRAY CRAY on her husband! 
(Speaking of Girl, Interrupted... Good grief.)

You know...important things like that.

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