Friday, May 31, 2013

Fatty McFlabersons: A Weight Loss Story PART 1

Well I typical don't usually talk about this stuff (you know... my body. And any other crimes against humanity for that matter), but I decided to take the plunge and get real. 
Because our weight is something most of us mere mortals have issues with at one point or another (if you don't..Congratulations! Oh, and you suck.), so why not be open and honest and gross about it with each other?

I'm already feeling the bonding happening.

..Mmm. That's nice.

Ok, so here it is:

Picture on the LEFT: Uhh...Kill me.

(Alright, but let's be honest, my mayonnaise-esque skin tone is the real travesty in this situation.)
(Unfortunately that hasn't changed much..) 

Picture on the RIGHT: I took that yesterday morning.
 I think I'd only had half a cup of coffee at that point, and I'm really not genuinely happy until I've had at least two.
So if my smile looks kind of fake... that's because it kind of is.
Plus I'm not wearing any makeup.

What Happened Between:

So at the time of the first picture, I had just given birth, after having spent the last 4 months of my pregnancy doing nothing but baking.
I spent my days watching every single episode of Grey's Anatomy and eating cookies.
That was my life.

So I gained A LOT of weight during my first pregnancy.

But then I had this gorgeous baby, and here were my problems:
1.) I was jonesing for carbs every hour because I was breastfeeding.
2.)The Magical Breastfeeding Diet Where You Can Eat Nothing But Ice Cream And Cheeseburgers And Still Lose Tons Of Weight NEVER kicked in for me.
3.) I sat on the couch all day. Just staring at my baby and crying.

SO... obviously it's a big mystery why I stayed the size of Shamu for so long.

But it was hard, as being overweight always is.
I hated going in to the bathroom because it meant I had to look at myself in the mirror. 
NONE of my cute, pre-pregnancy clothes fit me.
I was engorged and sweaty and fat and hungry.
It was just crappy.

I think when Vienna was around 8 months old, I lost like 5-10 pounds.
Not much, but it was something.
BUT a month later I was pregnant again!
Hooray for Babies! But not for weight loss.

Thankfully, having a crazy mobile baby kept me relatively active and I only gained 30 pounds during the whole second pregnancy. Which was really good.

But by the end of those 9 months... I was just done.
I was done being huge.
Something clicked in me that made me so sick of being big that made me decide that as soon as I had this kid out of me, I was going to work my BUTT OFF to do something about it.

And I did!
By my 6 week post-birth doctor's appointment, in October, I had lost every last pound that I gained during the second pregnancy, and I was going to keep going to get rid of all of the extra weight I had gained during my first.

At the beginning of the year, when Luke and I sat down to write out our goals for 2013, I put down that I wanted to have lost 20 more pounds before my next pregnancy.

And I'm not pregnant yet (at least that I know of... huh.)...

...But I lost ALL OF THE WEIGHT!

I definitely have more to lose to be at my totally ideal weight, but I'm back to where I was before I got pregnant with Vienna.

There's probably a 40 pound difference between the two pictures above.

All of my old clothes fit me, and some are even big on me.
I'm comfortable again and looking in the mirror doesn't make me want to go throw myself in traffic.

I've worked hard for it.
For me. For my husband. For my kids.
And after 3 years, I finally feel good again.

Now go read PART 2 to talk about what I did and how I've changed my lifestyle...

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